A few days skating mixed with multiple vomiting ...Tonge blunt transfer ..
Jak floats one onto the grass for a laff ....
Zak krooks during a line ...
Jak Feebs 270 out ..
Zak fakie tre all day (10 tricks on the way) This thing was way harder to skate than it looks ... So much fun ..
Zak bigspinflip the Velodrome ..Jak Pole jamming
Tonge Boosts out the weirdness .. (A bit like Ginge did all over the car door not to mention Isaac all over the floor !!)
Jak 5.0s the white weirdness ..
Midnight ollie over the flowers ..
Big shouts to Ed , Jen and Indy for putting us up and Ginge and Ed for filming .... NBDs went down , But holding them back .... Dvd Hypemachine ...
Jerrys "Sick on the door and floor Tour" photos ..
Posted by Drawing Boards